Children are very interesting, sponge-like creatures that learn more from observation than by instruction without example, and the best way for them to learn about food and responsibility is to make them aware of what it takes to be able to eat. How better than to plant a container garden - and let them experience for themselves the satisfaction and accomplishment - than to let them eat the fruits of their labors? It is not only a great experience for them, but it also gives you time to connect with and instruct your children on a very basic level. Another great benefit could be that they actually eat what is good for them and not just turn their noses up at the food they have worked so diligently to grow. Planting in containers will save you space, give them their own 'territory' to care for, and keep the mess at a minimum. No traipsing around in the mud after a rain means more fun time instead of cleanup time!
Kids ask a lot of questions. It is their innate sense of curiosity that makes this such a great way to learn. A hands-on experience, spending time with you, and in the end the satisfaction of seeing the finished product can never be equaled. This endeavor will teach them a lot of different things that will help them grow as individuals.
The planning stage, a good time to pre-learn what will happen and the steps it will take, can give them an early start on confidence. The most fun stage is letting them choose what to grow, be it common lettuce or tomatoes, or exotic plants you may never have heard of (or eaten for that matter). This teaches them that they have importance, that they can make a decision (right or wrong), and this can be as beneficial for you as it is for them. It does not need to be an expensive task - just gather some appropriate sized containers, fill them with good potting soil, and plant. They will also learn patience and the importance of consistency - daily checks, watering, and instruction - that are valuable resources you will be helping them to learn. And finally, the success that they achieve with container gardening will help them in later years with their own confidence and self esteem.
Container gardening for the next generation need not be expensive or messy. All plants need is soil, water, sun, and some tender loving care - just as your children need. The experience of growing your own food, of teaching your children about science and nature and life, is using our most valuable resources and making them sustainable and incredible!
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